Sunday, September 27, 2020

Week 5 Sketches - Melanie Okamura


Trying to practice applying perspective to humans.

Week 5- Sketchbook

 Didn't have much time this week for drawing just for fun, but I did finally get to start on an idea I have had in my head for a while now. This week I just had time to draw Harley but hopefully next week I will get to Joker and then I can do them digitally!

Week 5 Sketches: Anime Eyes by Gabrielle Do


Week 5 Sketches: Jonathan Rickard

Another week, which means more progress on a particular project. I have the idea laid out for this large drawing I want to do, but I still need to go back in and fix some perspective things, as well as maybe throw in more buildings and diverse plantlike in the very background instead of just having gigantic trees there. I am thinking of making it into a pixel drawing at this point, and with every step it's getting closer to something great.

My mom asked me to make a logo for something she is doing a few weeks ago, but since I was bogged down by school I didn't want to bother with it. I have some for her to pick from and may clean a few of them up more or send them all in as it is. The submission date is soon, so I figured I would at least get them hammered out at this point.

Week 5 Sketches: Tony Siliva


Week 5 Sketches (Brandon Canela)

Did some nature drawings and did an edit for my Photoshop class.