Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week 10 Sketches: Tony Siliva


Week 10 sketches : Rafa Navarro


Week 10 Sketches: Jonathan Rickard

A fair week overall!

I do have a great deal of work to this coming week before everything is due on the week after, but I can say that I am confident that I will be able to get through it.

For my sketches, I am proud to say that the placement for everything on the Taproots swamp is done and this week I can finally break ground on a modified form of pixel art that treats it more as a painting than a mathematic repetition of patterns. Using these lines as a guide, I'm excited to see where it will ultimately end.

To get my feet wet with pixel art before I leap into the big project, I made this simpler shack with the kind of strategy I intend to use on the swamp above.

Hopefully by the end of this week I can finally give this giant environment project a satisfactory ending and dive into character design without any competing responsibilities and assignments. We'll see how it all goes!

week 10 sketchbook- Maria Diaz


Week 10 Sketches - Jonathan Baek

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