Monday, November 9, 2020

WEEK 11 Sketches :  Leony Barkey

                                              This is homework from Prop Design Class Project. 

Week 11 Sketches - Melanie Okamura

More ideas for the character design project.
I have a few outfits planned out, but I wanna flesh out a character first!

Annd, a commission for my friend that I started but probably won't be able to finish until the semester is over... Oh well, haha. This is supposed to be her mascot for her stream!

Week 11 Sketches: Camden Berry

Inspired about Elder Scrolls

A character I have been working on for a graphic novel of mine.


Week 11 Sketches: Jonathan Rickard

 I must say, this has been one of the most satisfying weeks I have had in this class so far. I got some irritating assignments done (which were not that bad once I could set my perfectionism aside) and got enough done for my main environment assignment to be worth submitting.

To start things off, I got the pixels all laid in for the rather large pixel art project I am going to do which you have all seen before. Maybe I can make leaps and bounds of progress with it this coming week?

I also made another pixel art environment (a much simpler one compared to what the one above will be) and I am very happy with how it turned out!

Lastly, I drew up some vaguely isometric building designs. I do not think I will be using them for anything yet, but I never delete any file off of my computer so I'm sure I will stumble upon it again in the future and draw some newfound inspiration from it.

What will this new week bring? With the end of the environment drawing, I'm pretty excited to see what direction this heads in...